Donate to SterJo Software with PayPal

This is the section for all those users who want to financially contribute to the development and extension of this project.


In order to create and maintain several programs takes a lot of time and efforts. I spent all my free time on these programs and I hope there will be more in the future. Also I do this on voluntary basis and all the funding including hosting and other expenses are done by myself. The programs currently are not digitally signed and that's the reason why every time you run them it says "Unknown Publisher". Obtaining a digital certificate is too expensive and could reach to several hundred dollars annually. If you want to give your own contribution to this and gain the full trust of the programs also preventing the abuse of someone repacking them with malicious code please support me.


Notice: If you don't have a paypal account but you still want to donate without creating one, please click "Continue" link under "Don't have PayPal account?"



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